IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay Questions With Answers (2024)

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay Questions With Answers (2024)

IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay Questions With Answers (2024)

IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay Questions With Answers (2024)

Many people feel that most of the urgent problems can only be solved by international cooperation. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
In an increasingly interconnected world, the resolution of urgent global issues often necessitates international cooperation. The challenges confronting humanity, such as climate change, pandemics, and economic inequality, transcend national borders and demand collaborative efforts. Consequently, I strongly agree that international cooperation is imperative in addressing these pressing problems.

IELTS Speaking Topics with Answers (2024)

Take climate change as an example. Greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and pollution are issues that no single nation can tackle in isolation. A collective approach, involving nations collaborating on emission reduction targets, sharing renewable energy technologies, and

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implementing sustainable practices, is indispensable. Similarly, the recent global response to the COVID-19 pandemic underscores the significance of international cooperation in mitigating the spread of infectious diseases. The rapid development and distribution of vaccines, along with the sharing of scientific knowledge and resources, exemplify the effectiveness of a united global front.

Moreover, economic interdependence in the modern era underscores the need for collaborative solutions to tackle financial crises and disparities. Coordinated efforts through international organizations can provide financial aid, foster economic stability, and reduce the adverse impacts of economic downturns on vulnerable populations.

While some argue that individual nations should prioritize their interests over global cooperation, the interlinked nature of contemporary challenges highlights the futility of isolationist approaches. By fostering dialogue, sharing expertise, and pooling resources, countries can effectively address urgent problems that threaten the well-being of people worldwide. In conclusion, international cooperation is not just beneficial but essential for finding sustainable solutions to the urgent problems that transcend borders.


Some people think that all lawbreakers should be taken into prison. In contrast, others believe there are better alternatives (for example, doing work or learning skills in the community). Discuss both views and give your opinion.

The question of how society should deal with lawbreakers has been a perennial debate, with two main camps emerging: one advocating for the traditional approach of imprisoning all offenders, and the other proposing alternative methods such as community service or skills training. Each perspective carries its own merits and drawbacks, and striking the right balance is crucial for fostering a just and rehabilitative criminal justice system.

Proponents of the incarceration model argue that it serves as a deterrent and a form of punishment, emphasizing the importance of holding individuals accountable for their actions. Prison, they contend, not only safeguards society by isolating offenders but also serves as a means of retribution and reformation. However, critics point to the high costs associated with maintaining a vast prison system and argue that it often fails to address the root causes of criminal behavior, perpetuating a cycle of recidivism.

On the other hand, advocates for alternative approaches argue that community-based interventions can be more effective in addressing the underlying issues that lead to criminal behavior. Programs such as community service and skills training aim to reintegrate offenders into society by providing them with opportunities for personal and professional development. By focusing on rehabilitation rather than punishment, these alternatives strive to break the cycle of criminality and reduce the burden on the prison system.

In my opinion, a nuanced approach is necessary. While serious and violent offenders may require incarceration to protect society, non-violent offenders could benefit from alternative programs that address the root causes of their behavior. A comprehensive strategy should involve a combination of punishment, rehabilitation, and community involvement to strike a balance between accountability and the opportunity for positive change. Ultimately, the goal should be to create a criminal justice system that not only punishes wrongdoing but also actively works towards the social reintegration and transformation of offenders.


In many countries, people now wear Western-style dresses such as suits and jeans rather than traditional clothing. Why is this? Is this a positive or negative development?

The global trend of adopting Western-style clothing, including suits and jeans, in many countries can be attributed to several factors. One primary reason is the influence of Western culture, which has been disseminated widely through mass media, globalization, and the interconnectedness of the modern world. Western fashion is often associated with modernity, progress, and a cosmopolitan lifestyle, making it appealing to individuals seeking to align themselves with contemporary trends.

Economic factors also play a crucial role in this shift. Western-style clothing is often viewed as a symbol of affluence and success. The adoption of suits, for example, is linked to formal business attire, reflecting professionalism and corporate sophistication. Jeans, on the other hand, are perceived as versatile and comfortable, suitable for various casual settings. As countries strive for economic development and integration into the global marketplace, the adoption of Western attire becomes a way to signal progress and adaptability.

While the embrace of Western-style clothing can be seen as a positive development in terms of cultural exchange and economic advancement, it is not without drawbacks. Critics argue that this trend may contribute to the erosion of local traditions and cultural identity. The homogenization of fashion across diverse societies could lead to the loss of unique sartorial expressions that have been integral to a community’s heritage.

In conclusion, the widespread adoption of Western-style clothing in many countries is a complex phenomenon influenced by cultural, economic, and global factors. While it can be seen as a positive indicator of progress and integration, there is a need for balance to ensure that cultural diversity and identity are not compromised in the process.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay Questions With Answers (2024)

More and more people are using computers and electric devices to access information; therefore, there is no need for printed books, magazines, and newspapers. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In an increasingly interconnected world, the resolution of urgent global issues often necessitates international cooperation. The challenges confronting humanity, such as climate change, pandemics, and economic inequality, transcend national borders and demand collaborative efforts. Consequently, I strongly agree that international cooperation is imperative in addressing these pressing problems.

Take climate change as an example. Greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and pollution are issues that no single nation can tackle in isolation. A collective approach, involving nations collaborating on emission reduction targets, sharing renewable energy technologies, and implementing sustainable practices, is indispensable. Similarly, the recent global response to the COVID-19 pandemic underscores the significance of international cooperation in mitigating the spread of infectious diseases. The rapid development and distribution of vaccines, along with the sharing of scientific knowledge and resources, exemplify the effectiveness of a united global front.

Moreover, economic interdependence in the modern era underscores the need for collaborative solutions to tackle financial crises and disparities. Coordinated efforts through international organizations can provide financial aid, foster economic stability, and reduce the adverse impacts of economic downturns on vulnerable populations.

While some argue that individual nations should prioritize their interests over global cooperation, the interlinked nature of contemporary challenges highlights the futility of isolationist approaches. By fostering dialogue, sharing expertise, and pooling resources, countries can effectively address urgent problems that threaten the well-being of people worldwide. In conclusion, international cooperation is not just beneficial but essential for finding sustainable solutions to the urgent problems that transcend borders.


Some people believe the purpose of education is to prepare individuals to be beneficial to society. Others say the purpose of education is to achieve personal ambitions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

The debate over the purpose of education centers on whether its primary goal is to equip individuals to contribute to society or to fulfill personal ambitions. Advocates of the societal contribution perspective argue that education should primarily focus on cultivating skills and knowledge that are valuable to the community. They contend that an educated populace is better equipped to address societal challenges, contribute to economic development, and foster a more harmonious and cohesive society. From this perspective, education serves as a tool to produce responsible citizens who actively participate in the betterment of the community.

On the other hand, proponents of the personal ambition viewpoint assert that education should empower individuals to pursue their passions and realize their potential. They argue that a system geared towards personal development encourages creativity, innovation, and diverse talents, ultimately leading to a more enriched and dynamic society. From this standpoint, education should nurture individual strengths, allowing people to carve their unique paths and make meaningful contributions based on their distinct skills and interests.

In my opinion, a balanced approach is essential. While education should undoubtedly equip individuals with the skills needed for societal contribution, it should also encourage personal growth and the pursuit of individual aspirations. A well-rounded education system should strive to strike a harmonious equilibrium between fostering a sense of social responsibility and nurturing the diverse talents and passions of its students. Such an approach ensures that individuals not only contribute meaningfully to society but also lead fulfilling and purposeful lives in alignment with their personal ambitions.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay Questions With Answers (2024)

Although countries with long average working hours are economically successful, this often has some negative social consequences. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Countries with long average working hours often boast economic success, but this achievement comes at a cost, giving rise to significant negative social consequences. While a robust economy is undoubtedly a crucial indicator of a nation’s prosperity, an overemphasis on relentless work schedules can erode the social fabric.

Firstly, prolonged working hours can lead to severe health issues, both physical and mental. The toll of stress and fatigue on individuals can result in increased rates of burnout, anxiety, and depression. As workers struggle to balance work and personal life, relationships can suffer, leading to higher divorce rates and strained family dynamics. This, in turn, contributes to a weakened social structure and diminished overall well-being.

Moreover, an excessive focus on work often leads to a neglect of societal values and community engagement. Individuals engrossed in lengthy work hours may find themselves detached from their local communities, weakening the social bonds that are essential for a harmonious and supportive society. The erosion of these connections can result in increased feelings of isolation and alienation, hindering the development of a strong, interconnected social network.

Furthermore, countries with long working hours may inadvertently foster an environment that prioritizes material wealth over social and cultural development. The pursuit of economic success at the expense of leisure, recreation, and personal fulfillment can create a society where individuals are defined solely by their professional achievements, neglecting the importance of a well-rounded, culturally enriched life.

In conclusion, while economic success is undoubtedly a crucial goal for nations, it is essential to recognize that a myopic focus on long working hours can lead to detrimental social consequences. Balancing economic prosperity with the well-being of individuals and communities is vital for fostering a sustainable and healthy society.

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